Life story of Lilian Martin Brito: founder of the University of Cienfuegos and personality of higher education


  • Josefina Guardarrama Torres Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba. Autor/a
  • Salvador David Soler Marchán Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba. Autor/a
  • Amarilys Suárez Alfonso Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba. Autor/a



Life story, Lilian Martin Brito, living human treasures


In this article we take the different aspects and skills used in life stories. The methodology used has been qualitative research from the narrative biographical method. It is intended to cover the paths in which the dissimilar ways in which this particular topic is worked are distributed and arranged. The methodological procedure that is determined in this work is detailed, providing necessary elements to analyze the obtained results in the application of the chosen techniques: qualitative interview, content analysis and the triangulation of sources, these are justified according to their degree of involvement in the investigative process. The reasons that support the validity and scientific rigor of the investigation are explained, which demonstrates the credibility of the same. We conclude by adhering to this subject from the facultative and critical assessment in the writings and notes of different authors.


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How to Cite

Guardarrama Torres, J. ., Soler Marchán, S. D. ., & Suárez Alfonso, A. . (2018). Life story of Lilian Martin Brito: founder of the University of Cienfuegos and personality of higher education. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(3), 54-62.