Interactive reading comprehension strategies for the development of critical thinking
Interactive strategies, skills, conflict resolution, critical thinkingAbstract
The objective of this research is to identify and reflect on how interactive reading comprehension strategies influence students' critical thinking. Documentary research was carried out and the analysis-synthesis method was used. The results confirmed the need to achieve strategies that allow students to understand written texts, however, for this to happen, the strategies applied by the teacher in the classroom must allow them to develop skills to interpret, analyse, organize, and systematize a great variety of ideas, which will have an impact on the development of critical thinking. In this way, it is concluded that reading comprehension strategies to affect the development of critical thinking must have an interactivity component and this is achieved with an integrated formative feedback that allows the student to participate in a leading way in their learning; For this, the teacher must be able to deploy pedagogical, disciplinary, and technological skills, finally evidencing the relevance of ICT in this entire process.
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