Rhythm and balance basic aspects for the development of gross motor skills in 5 year old children
Ritmo, equilibrio, motricidad gruesa, habilidades, destrezasAbstract
This research originates as a product of the integration of three subjects Psychomotricity, Stimulation and Curricular Design, whose purpose is to improve motor skills in 5-year-old children, starting from this principle and to strengthen the paradigm on the relationship that exists between rhythm , balance and gross motor skills, a bibliographic review is made in the first instance, which subsequently leads to the development of activities to increase mature motor patterns, which strengthen the acquisition of more complex skills in relation to muscle control, body coordination , locomotion and balance using rhythm as a strategy, for this it is necessary to know the degree of body awareness, postural control, balance, conformation and location of the body that children have. From this perspective, an activity plan for gross motor development was drawn up based on what was established by the LOEI, where rhythm and balance are the channel for strengthening in this area, to meet the objective requested support to the Cordão de Ouro group, who provided the children with the required ages to carry out the investigative work. During the execution of the proposed activities, it was found that rhythm offers advantages that improve balance and at the same time favor the concept and body image, the expression of their emotions, creativity, and the development of their motor skills. In short, rhythm and balance are a regulating valve that leads to the comprehensive training of children.
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