Plastic islands are their environmental link in Ecuador




Plastic islands, garbage, environmental pollution


Garbage is a serious problem for the environmental balance, and within that line is marine litter, creating a lot of concern, the fact that it is mainly made up of plastic waste in the face of the damage caused to man, fauna, marine ecosystems, and the economy of those who depend on seafood. When accumulated, this waste gives rise to the so-called plastic islands, which arise from the accumulation of tons of waste of various dimensions of that material, being present in the world's seas and oceans, generating high levels of pollution and affecting fish, birds and other marine species that are involved in the possibility of dying, when entangled with plastics or consuming them. Unfortunately, this environmental phenomenon has encompassed the Galapagos Islands, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1978. From the above, it follows as a research objective, to describe plastic islands and their environmental linkage in Ecuador, for this the author was supported in a documentary research that concluded the need to sensitize people and raise awareness among companies and institutions to address this environmental problem.


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How to Cite

Conopoima Moreno, . Y. del C. . (2022). Plastic islands are their environmental link in Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(2), 96-103.