Comprehensive reparation for crimes of gender violence in indigenous justice




Violated rights, indigenous justice, comprehensive reparation, gender violence, victims of violence


This research work focused on the comprehensive reparation of crimes of gender violence in the indigenous justice of Ecuador, with the aim of demonstrating the existence of comprehensive reparation for victims of gender violence within the indigenous jurisdiction. During the research process, the historical bibliographic review of different authors was considered to know the guarantee of compliance with comprehensive reparation. In this research, the inductive research method was used, which made it possible to carry out a documentary analysis and thus explain the relationship between the study variables. It was identified that 67.8% of the indigenous population has suffered some type of violence and that is why indigenous justice arises to guarantee the values and principles of human beings who live under these regulations. The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador recognizes the right of victims of criminal offenses to comprehensive reparation as stipulated in Article 78. It is important to recognize indigenous reparation for victims of gender violence and ensure compliance with their duties and rights. The investigation concludes with a result that indicates that comprehensive reparation within indigenous justice is applied through the remediation of damages caused, mediation, or forgiveness.


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How to Cite

Ordoñez Salazar, L. M. ., & Morales Navarrete, M. A. . (2022). Comprehensive reparation for crimes of gender violence in indigenous justice. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(1), 112-119.