The adoption children prohibition between same-sex couples. An act of discrimination




Adoption, homoparental, human rights, discrimination


The Adoption is an institution defined as the action through which a certain person or family nucleus, called adopter legally provides a permanent home to a minor designated as adopted who does not have one, due to the lack of a representative who can take responsibility for him, however, this concept has been transforming over recent years because after the acceptance of LGBTIQ+ groups in more than 32 countries adoption left its usual framework and began to adapt to the modern social reality, the same that includes new family conformations being this, This is how this motion has been legalized in more than 28 countries worldwide and criticized by the rest, being this the case of Ecuador, where it is stated that this right and legal possibility is specifically for couples of different sexes, evidencing a critical violation of the right to the formation of a family in all its types, discriminating against gender and thus violating the Human Rights.


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How to Cite

Barragán García, J. G. ., & Espinosa Vaca, M. J. . (2022). The adoption children prohibition between same-sex couples. An act of discrimination. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(1), 103-111.