Usure a legal vision in social reality




Usury, conduct, interest, crime


Usury over time has been conceived as a social figure in which people lend money to others, without the need for long, late procedures that impose a series of requirements, but with the condition of collecting an excessive profit for the concept of interests. With the passage of time Usury has been classified as a criminal offense within the different legal systems, since the only body authorized to collect interest are public or private institutions regulated by the State. This conduct has been analyzed from different legal spheres, that is, the civil sphere, as well as within the criminal sphere, reaching the conclusion that regardless of the point of view that is seen, usury is an invasive behavior that greatly affects the economic rights of people. The purpose of this scientific article is to analyze the figure of Usury as a reprehensible conduct in the civil and criminal sphere within the Ecuadorian legal system, that is, the circumstances and details of this figure and its impact on the protected legal assets will be analyzed. by the Ecuadorian State.


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How to Cite

Urrutia Santillán, V. P. ., & Paredes Fuertes, F. E. . (2022). Usure a legal vision in social reality. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(1), 57-62.