Interpretation of judicial guardianship to nature as a guarantee of justice in Ecuador




Judicial protection, nature, ecosystems, living beings


The theme, interpretation of judicial protection of nature as a guarantee of justice in Ecuador is based on the development of legal recognition of the rights to nature that translates into the new paradigm shift where environmental law is developed, whose primary objective is to protect the life of living beings, therefore, environmental justice that includes legal, social, educational, economic and political elements seeks to maintain the balance of environmental situations favorable to the full satisfaction of human dignity and harmony of ecosystems, because its purpose is to protect the environment in order to avoid the damages caused to it can affect the beings that inhabit this planet, all this on the basis that nature is a mean to ensure the well-being and physical integrity of its inhabitants. Its justification is based on the fact that the rights to a healthy environment are included in human rights and because in Ecuador, nature is recognized as a subject of law that means a protected legal right that is at its enjoyment, in virtue of the fact that Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador promulgated in 2008 as the fundamental legal.


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How to Cite

Agnelli Faggioli, A. . (2018). Interpretation of judicial guardianship to nature as a guarantee of justice in Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(3), 25-32.