Cooperative learning in basic education: a theoretical review




Learning, cooperative, competencies, abilities, attitudes, skills, values


The purpose of this theoretical review article is to analyze the implications of cooperative learning in secondary school students in educational institutions, taking into consideration its relevance for the teaching-learning process and the development of basic competencies in students. In this sense, cooperative learning enables the application of pedagogical strategies that strengthen students' learning in an environment of face-to-face interaction, positive interdependence, shared responsibility, permanent communication of the results achieved; that is why this is one of the strategies that have a greater diffusion and acceptance in different schools and levels of education. Cooperative learning provides an essential support in the integral development of students in a classroom environment, in which mutual support is necessary for the achievement of the objectives set. From this point of view, it is known that cooperative learning strengthens the emotional support of the students, generating in them the strengthening of their capacities, abilities, skills and values in the resolution of problematic situations with which they must face in their learning process. Finally, cooperative learning currently provides an answer to the learning needs of the students in an environment of knowledge construction and significant learning, generating an educational welfare in the students of the educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Pérez Salgado, L. N. ., Farfán Pimentel, J. F. ., Delgado Arenas, R. ., & Baylon Chavagari, R. G. . (2022). Cooperative learning in basic education: a theoretical review. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(1), 6-11.