Descriptive study of the tear film in smokers in optical GT, Ecuador 2019




Dry eye, tear film, tobacco, Schirmer test, BUT test


Dry eye is caused by the lack of enough lubrication and wetting on the ocular surface. A longitudinal and prospective study was conducted with the objective of knowing the clinical epidemiological characteristics of tear film in smoking patients in ÒPTICA GT. Ecuador 2019. Variables such as age, sex, results of the Schirmer I and But tests, ratio of the quantity and tear quality were measured according to the patients smoking time and the symptoms reported by the patients. A greater number of smokers were found between the ages of 29 and 33, in terms of sex there was a higher prevalence of smokers in the male sex, in the Schirmer I test the normal tear secretion predominated, the BUT test resulted in the altered tear film, in relation to the tear quantity with the time that smokes was obtained in the great majority normal tear quantity without being directly related to the years of exposure to nicotine, in the relation of tear quality with the time that smokes it was obtained an alteration of the tear film in all groups, with a higher prevalence in patients with smoking habits for more than 20 years. The symptom of dry eye that prevailed was eye irritation.


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How to Cite

Aguilera Cruz, A. B., Rojas Meriño, Y. F. ., Correa Rojas, O. ., Cuzco Cacuango, E. G. ., & Espín Aguirre, G. Y. . (2021). Descriptive study of the tear film in smokers in optical GT, Ecuador 2019. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(3), 142-148.