Optometric study in the population of Achupallas, province of Chimborazo





Ocular system, visual anomaly, subjective and objective examination


Optometry as a science and part of health is on track to fulfill several very important roles, such as primary care for visual health. The visual anomalies present in people are the purpose of study so that the professional can give the pertinent solutions. Three very important phases that the examiner will take into account when evaluating; these are, the anamnesis, subjective examination, objective examination. It must be taken into account that the demography of a place can be an important factor for an alteration at the ocular level to appear, in addition to the daily habits of the inhabitants. The population of the present study belongs to the Province of Chimborazo, which is a rural area that does not have the same living conditions, which allows the study objectives to be very relevant to know the types of disturbances present in this sector. The results show varied alterations both in the anatomy and in the visual system of the population. To carry out this systematization, the type of research that was carried out was exploratory, which allows analyzing specific aspects of reality that have not been studied in depth.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Paz, B. ., Rocha Machin, A. ., Encalada Román, P. J. ., & Fernández Ortega, J. C. . (2021). Optometric study in the population of Achupallas, province of Chimborazo. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(3), 133-141. https://doi.org/10.62452/ew7fx468