Factors That Affect The Unemployment Rate In South American Countries During The Period 2009-2017





Unemployment, poverty, economic environments, administration


The purpose of this investigations is to determine and analyze the factors that infer within the unemployment rate in South America during 2009-2018, taking into consideration that the lack of employment is one of the main problems of greater relevance within the economy of the nations, for this reason great concern is generated within the social, political and economic environments, currently in South American countries due to the lack of policies that help to stop or control this problem. The applied methodology is descriptive with a quantitative approach within the data analysis, through the econometric analysis for panel data, it is proposed to explain the unemployment rate estimation model, the analysis of the texts and data obtained reflect that The factors that generate the greatest repercussion are linked to the political and economic administration due to the mismanagement of resources in the wealth generated by the country itself and the people within its social environment


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How to Cite

Reyes Cueva, I. M. ., Cruz Granda, J. K. ., Uriguen Aguirre, P. A. ., & Bejarano Copo, H. F. . (2021). Factors That Affect The Unemployment Rate In South American Countries During The Period 2009-2017. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(3), 123-132. https://doi.org/10.62452/vd0kec30