The role of the family in the formation of environmental values




Family, Formation of values, environmental values


The family is considered the fundamental nucleus of society, and additionally, it constitutes the central axis of formation of its members, especially children, as the first life experiences develop within them, which, according to the dynamics existing within the home, it will become a model of future behavior. In fact, a variety of experiences are produced in this nucleus, which include values, routines, feelings, customs, learning, among others, whose custodians are the children, having a modeling effect on their behavior. Within this scope, the inclusion of environmental value cannot be ignored, which consists in establishing a harmonious relationship of respect and protection towards the environment, where the use of natural resources prevails, from a perspective of responsibility and defense in conservation of the nature. Hence, the purpose of this article was to analyze the role of the family in the formation of environmental values. It was based on a field investigation. It is concluded that since the family is an essential space of influence on the behavior of its members, it is essential to strengthen the protection of nature in them, since the planet is in serious danger and therefore humanity.


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How to Cite

Conopoima Moreno, Y. del C. . (2021). The role of the family in the formation of environmental values. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(3), 78-88.