Behaviour of quality indicators in banana cultivation, in El Oro province, Ecuador
Indicators, treatment, fertilizer, efficiencyAbstract
Banana cultivation is recognized worldwide as a very energetic food line that has high volumes of annual production. The investigative results presented in the present investigation complement a group of studies developed in the province of El Oro, Ecuador. In order to assess the statistical behavior of quality indicators that affect banana yield. Three treatments were used (chemical and organic with respect to the control) in 6 banana plots during December / 2018-June / 2019. The study is descriptive and correlational. The indicators used were stem size, number of hands, number of fingers, plant height, pseudostem circumference and bunch weight at harvest time. Statistical and inferential methods were used, highlighting the correlation and regression analysis. The best results were observed in the treatment with organic fertilizer, which justifies the benefits of agroecology. The evaluated indicators generally coincide with the referenced studies. It was identified that the type of treatment does not influence the average height of the plants. It was possible to find a regression model with a good fit that allows estimating the circumference of the pseudostem according to the behavior of the plant height.
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