Substitution of milk with arrowroot starch (Maranta arundinacea l.) For elaboration of yogurt for lactating kids
Inoculum, milk substitute, fermented milk, goatAbstract
With the aim of establishing the appropriate proportion of arrowroot starch and cow milk for the formation of yogurt with commercial inoculum of yogurt of soya, four treatments were formulated under laboratory conditions. It was used as inoculum 5% of soya milk fermented in their commercial form of the market, Soyur, in the four treatments. The substitution of milk with arrowroot starch was of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%, for the treatments I, II, III, IV, respectively. It was measured: time of clotting and aspect of the clot, pH, titrable acidity, and relationship coco-bacillus in the finished product. It was carried out a small cafeteria test in kids nurslings with the best formula. The arrowroot starch to 1% with the substitution of 10% of cow milk is considered the best option like substitute by the observed properties: pH 4,85; titrable acidity 0,76%; time of clotting 4:30 hours and relationship coco-bacillus 1:3, with filant and striking clot. This formulates had acceptance for the kid’s nurslings, without differences with the natural yogurt that can facilitate a saving of milk in small cattle properties.
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