Estimated determination of the carbon footprint in a rural municipality
Carbon footprint, climate change, greenhouse gasesAbstract
An expression of local development is environmental sustainability and one of the objectives of the ecological economy is the search for sustainability indicators, so it is necessary to find the most appropriate ones to draw up correct strategies from the local level. The carbon footprint can be one of those integrating indices for correct decision-making at the municipal level. The present work summarizes the results of a first approach to the subject in the municipality of Lajas, province of Cienfuegos, Cuba. For this, the methodology of the Spanish Office of Climate Change of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment was applied, adapted to the conditions of Cuba. Based on the selection of the most important socioeconomic activities in the municipality, the carbon footprint for 2020 and its behavior in relation to the previous year were calculated. A balance with the absorption capacity of the agricultural-forestry activity allowed to verify if the flora of Lajas responds to the CO2 emissions to the atmosphere to propose improvement actions in the locality.
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