Video didactics in the process of teaching mathematics at secondary level
Didactic video, flipped classroom, innovation, mathematics, secondary levelAbstract
A theoretical-conceptual analysis is presented in relation to the use of educational technology and its integration in the teaching-learning process in secondary education, with the intention of structuring a referential framework that allows to support an intervention project and improvement of the mathematics class in the context of emergency remote teaching in the face of the health emergency situation caused by Covid-19. The purpose of the project is pedagogical innovation through the design of didactic videos for the teaching of mathematics at the secondary level. For the theoretical framework, the theory of connectivism developed by George Siemens is approached and for the conceptual framework the notion of didactic video and its variant as interactive video is developed, as well as that referred to the flipped classroom as a pedagogical model. Studies about the didactic video as a teaching-learning tool and as an important means in the flipped classroom methodology are also analyzed. It concludes with a reflection on the challenges that teachers face and how the project adjusts to the current needs of a particular context.
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