Is there a violation of the principle of double trial (Non Bis In Ídem) in organized crime offenses and their offenses, fines?
Principle of double trial, organized crime, crime, due processAbstract
In today's social and legal situation, organized crime or crime is a phenomenon that occurs repeatedly, but under different forms or modalities that range from peaceful but subtle actions and others, violent and open. This has occurred especially in the phenomenon involving drug trafficking, human trafficking and arms trafficking. Being, in addition, criminal modalities that in themselves and by their very nature are very dangerous. The foregoing translates into the importance and significance of implementing at the state level and at the global level, criminal policies aimed at combating organized crime; however, these criminal policies must be respectful of due process and the basic guarantees that inform it, including, the principle of prohibition of double trial and punishment, known as non bis in idem, constituting the object of our work. The methods used from the theoretical level were the logical historical and the synthetic analytical, and from the empyrean the document analysis, and the analytical exegetical.
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