Analysis of pre and post pandemic banana production of the “Asocobaoro Association” period 2019-2020




Pandemic, exports, income, banana box


Bananas occupy the fourth position as the most important food on the planet, where Ecuador stands out as one of the main exporters, occupying 29% of the market. In Ecuador, the province of El Oro has the largest number of banana farms nationwide, which occupies 41% of the total. This study was developed in the association "ASOCOBAORO" located in the Machala canton of the El Oro province, with the objective of analyzing the pre and post pandemic banana production within the 2019-2020 periods by analyzing the production data of both years. For this, a descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional methodological design was used to collect information on banana production in the pre- and post-pandemic period without manipulating any study variable. The main results obtained were that the association suffered an economic impact due to the pandemic, where in 2020 the income and registered production volume were lower than in 2019, in addition to taking measures such as teleworking, reduction of working hours and termination of contracts, this due to the fact that most of the members of the association could not keep their payroll for more than 9 weeks.


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How to Cite

Apolo Aguilar, D. A. ., Vite Cevallos, H. ., & Carvajal Romero, H. . (2021). Analysis of pre and post pandemic banana production of the “Asocobaoro Association” period 2019-2020. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(2), 128-135.