Consumer behavior of the province of El Oro regarding clothing and domestic and foreign brands
Consumer behavior, demographics, brandsAbstract
This Article is intended to determine consumer behavior regarding clothing of national and international brands in the Province of El Oro. In 1966, the influence of this effect on products, mainly by product class and on specific products, was studied using quality assessment as an assessment measure. Consumers select those products or services that have brands that generate a desirable personality, that increase their moods or self-esteem, that project security, fun, in such a way their tastes and preferences of purchase are based on the social and psychological taxes provided by the brands. This research was based on the literature of scientific articles, in addition, through the methodology of descriptive statistics, collecting information from the population was obtained information on preferences when acquiring clothing, resulting in the variables that influence consumer behavior are income, price, place or space. There have been multiple factors involved in purchasing decisions, however, in the province of El Oro shows clothing preferences in greater proportion by international brands than national ones.
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