Migratory analysis and its effect on the productivity of short cycle crops in the Canton Colta, period 2015-2018





Migration, productivity, crops, rural


The present work aims to analyze the migratory situation and its effect on the productivity of short-cycle crops in the Colta canton, period 2015-2018. For this research, the cross-sectional descriptive methodological design was used in order to be able to analyze the quantitative and qualitative variables, taking into account the bibliographic review and field research supported by a survey, which is aimed at investigating the rural migratory effect. urban. In such a way that, thus, it is possible to demonstrate the existence of an increase, decrease in production or, otherwise, know if production was maintained. The problems that arise from different factors cause consequential alterations to the social and economic environment within the area, affecting small producers. This made it possible to identify in the simplest way the situation of the actors involved in the issue. An obvious problem that surrounds this production is the significant loss of young human capital, however, under this premise, the problem was presented as follows: What is the behavior of short-cycle agricultural productivity in the Colta canton in relation to the migratory effect of the area. The age range that predominates in the area is 50 years or more, with women having the greatest presence in the rural sector. It is evident that the migratory effect does not compromise agricultural production since its production is traditionally for personal consumption.


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How to Cite

Badillo Auquilla, W. F. ., Garzón Montealegre, V. J. ., & Barrezueta Unda, S. A. . (2021). Migratory analysis and its effect on the productivity of short cycle crops in the Canton Colta, period 2015-2018. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(2), 107-113. https://doi.org/10.62452/jkxypc48