The right to identity of children and adolescents in the testamentary declaration in Ecuador
Constitution, testamentary declarations, law, free development, identityAbstract
The article studies the constitutional right to identity of children and adolescents in the testamentary declaration in Ecuador, in the first place regarding personal identity that is considered as a right fully recognized by the Constitution; and which, according to doctrine and jurisprudence, is a right that must be guaranteed at all times, since this is a necessary element for the full exercise of the right to free development of the personality of children and adolescents. In addition, it is proposed to study new scenarios regarding the right of identity that children have in the testamentary declaration, for this reason, the same historical method is used that studies the stages of the right of identity and the testamentary declaration with the sole purpose of discovering In what way does one influence the other, and the logical one, is applied with the objective of obtaining information, in addition the inductive-deductive method is applied, since it is wanted to know in a more general way how the right to the identity of the boys, girls and adolescents by not appearing in the testamentary declarations, and the deductive one because it is intended to obtain practical and correct conclusions on the subject.
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