Reflections on science, technology and innovation management models and processes




Management, technologies, innovation, impacts


The paper presents an analysis of scientific articles related to the models for the management of Science, technology and innovation carried out in Latin America, which has an impact on the Science, Technology and Innovation processes and their results. Seven criteria were established and by means of a comparative table it was possible to assess the main contributions for socioeconomic development is the production of appropriate technologies for I + D and I + D + i. Regardless of identifying the main challenge consisting of achieving particular strategic tools for university management of science, technology and innovation for research centers and institutions, it is concluded that it is necessary to bet more on the prediction of results, effects and impacts both in the I + D projects as well as I + D + i, consolidating strategies according to the actors and the environment. Define in the short, medium and long term the multi and disciplinary groups with joint activities to validate the results of the systems or registry of science indicators.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Muñoz, R. ., & Socorro Castro, A. R. . . (2021). Reflections on science, technology and innovation management models and processes. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(2), 6-16.