The development of creativity through the scope of oral expression at the level of initial education


  • Noemí Suárez Monzón Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. Ambato. Ecuador. Autor/a



Creativity, expression, oral, education, initial


In this study, a practical theoretical reflection related to creative development at the initial level is presented. Specifically, at this level the teaching-learning process is oriented through 4 areas and that of Oral Expression, which seeks to develop children's personality, based on their integral development. The diagnosis of children in Ecuadorian institutions shows little motivation and curiosity for learning, an issue that jeopardizes compliance with the provisions of the National Education Curriculum in Ecuador. The question asked by the Research is how can the teacher develop creativity through the teaching-learning process in the area of communication in the children of the initial level? To achieve this purpose, the characteristics of the activities have been proposed. to develop, structured in three stages.


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How to Cite

Suárez Monzón, N. . (2018). The development of creativity through the scope of oral expression at the level of initial education. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(2), 75-81.