Evaluation of labor health in sedentary workers of Company Manufacturer Coast out like means to determine the risks of health
Habits of health, discipline, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, foodAbstract
The habits of Mexicans to carry out physical or sports activities are reduced to less than an hour a day a week; data from the National Commission for Physical Culture and Sports show that Mexicans conceive physical activity and sport as "weekend" events and not as a systematic practice that requires at least 20 minutes every third day for improved exercise the level of health and promotes physical development; Otherwise we have as a consequence that as a result of sedentary lifestyle there is an increase in chronic degenerative diseases and also poor nutrition and excess pressure are common factors that trigger a large number of problems that affect individuals also psychologically. Sedentary lifestyles are prevalent in almost all urban areas throughout the world, so much so that inactivity is one of the major risk factors behind the current epidemic proportions of non-communicable diseases such as obesity. All these reasons being that it was decided to develop a study with workers in the productive age to be able to propose strategies that allow workers a healthier lifestyle. Therefore, a study was carried out with the objective of knowing within a total population sample of 894 workers, 870 men and 24 women, their lifestyle.
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