Educational proposal for the inferential statistics subject from the research methodology- action




Research - action, educational praxis, Inferential statistics, mathematical model


The work addresses the stages of the research - action methodology to respond to the current needs of the classroom in the Inferential Statistics subject of the Metropolitan University of Ecuador, where educational praxis was focused on theoretical and practical classes, without interaction of statistical assistants. During the study, it is detected that there are shortcomings when focusing the student's effort on the reproduction of the calculations, which due to its complexity, could not reach the objective related to the interpretation of the results of the mathematical model. The insertion of a practical demonstrative class with the use of the R tool in the structuring of the contents of the subject and the teacher's guide with a procedure to follow in solving the problems, enabled the student to reduce the time spent in the solution and allowed to focus the debate on interpretation.


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How to Cite

Fernández Marín, M. Ángel, Ferreira Lorenzo, G. L. ., & González Tolmo, D. . (2021). Educational proposal for the inferential statistics subject from the research methodology- action. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(1), 122-128.