Impact caused by exports and imports between ecuador and the European Union, through the multipart trade agreement, period 2010-2019




Exports, imports, multiparty commercial agreement


Exports and imports correspond to flows that make up international trade from a global perspective, and foreign trade by referring to what a country exports and receives. This article aims to analyze the impact caused by exports and imports between Ecuador and the European Union through the multiparty trade agreement. It was carried out using an exploratory, descriptive and non-experimental study of information obtained from historical data on the commercial relationship between both blocks. The results obtained were sent in 4 indicators: first; an analysis of Exports by continent, Economic Area and Country, second; an analysis of the Trade Balance, third; main EU countries of destination of Ecuadorian exports and imports and fourth; behavior of exports and imports. The results revealed that the level of evolution of exports and imports have had a constant growth since 2010-2019, where we find that 72% of what the country has exported to the EU has been fruits, with special interest in bananas (30%), followed by fish, shrimp, tuna and their processed products (42%), while the main imported products were machinery and equipment (22%), chemical products (11%), instruments and appliances (10%).


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How to Cite

Domínguez Cochancela, J. L. ., Vega Granda, A. del C. ., Garzón Montealegre, V. J. ., & Quezada Campoverde, J. M. (2021). Impact caused by exports and imports between ecuador and the European Union, through the multipart trade agreement, period 2010-2019. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(1), 99-105.