Use of the ALES system as a land assessment system in areas dedicated to sugarcane production




Land evaluation, sugarcane production, expert system


The work was carried out with the use of the database of fields obtained at the La Josefa farm, from the Elpidio Gómez sugar mill at present, previously belonging to the Pepito Tey sugar mill, from the province of Cienfuegos. The results obtained with the use of different distances between furrows studied were evaluated, for which a model was developed, based on the expert system "ALES". The entities evaluated by "ALES" were the Cartographic Units. In this study, the 44 fields in Lot 1 of the "La Josefa" farm were taken. The formation of this expert system in "ALES". The basis for the application of this system in the present study, where it was established as: TUT, the selected planting distances. RUT, Expert criteria taken into consideration for the selection of the appropriate technology and CAT, The types of soils, existing in the Cartographic Unit, as well as the physicochemical properties of these. The results obtained allow us to validate the model obtained by implementing the technique of the "ALES" tool, demonstrating that it can be used to evaluate the effect of planting distances in the different cartographic units dedicated to the cultivation of sugar cane.


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How to Cite

García Batista, R. M. ., Aloma Oramas, R. M. ., & Socorro Castro, A. R. . (2020). Use of the ALES system as a land assessment system in areas dedicated to sugarcane production. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(3), 207-216.