Catalog of issues and transigible matters in mediation in the republic of Ecuador




Mediation, tradable matters, catalog, alternative methods of conflict resolution


The purpose of this research was to analyze the possibility of creating a catalog of issues and tradable matters in mediation in the Republic of Ecuador, with the purpose of incorporating into the Ecuadorian legal system and thus protecting the legal security of the users of this service. Methodologically it is a qualitative research of a proactive nature, developed through a legal, documentary, analytical, descriptive study, as well as the application of interviews to qualified informants. This study concludes by establishing the need to implement a catalog of issues and tradable matters in mediation, as a guide for mediators and citizens. A reform of the Law on Arbitration and Mediation is proposed to fundamentally incorporate a catalog of issues and tradable matters, in addition, to complement this legal instrument it is recommended to insert a preliminary title that contains the ambit and object of the law.


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How to Cite

Durán Chávez, C. E. ., Égüez Valdivieso, E. ., Arandi Viñamagua, A. F. ., & Yancha Ruiz, M. V. . (2020). Catalog of issues and transigible matters in mediation in the republic of Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(3), 71-81.