The entities of the municipal government in the educational activity of the basic secondary: bases for a project




Educational process, Basic Secondary, intersectorality, educational project


Beyond considering the educational process as a professional activity of a systematized and grounded nature carried out by the school, the fundamental characteristic of Cuban Pedagogy in relation to this subject is found in the interrelation between the main actors who participate in it, especially those whose influences can become an opportunity to expand and enrich the possibilities of carrying out educational projects and strategies. This paper presents the reflections and proposals that emerge as responses to the claims of the municipal government and the Directorate of Education in the municipality of Cienfuegos, by calling on entities and socio-productive companies and services in the territory to collaborate with the education of adolescents and contribute with this, to confirm the commitment to make education the battle trench for the continuity of the principles of education as a social responsibility. The work includes the methodological procedure with a strategic approach that was prepared by the municipal Communal entity of Cienfuegos, based on a study of the potential that they have to promote and stimulate the comprehensive education of adolescents who are trained in the Basic Secondary School.


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How to Cite

Moya Ríos, D. ., Torres Zerquera, L. del C. ., & López Rodríguez del Rey, M. M. . (2020). The entities of the municipal government in the educational activity of the basic secondary: bases for a project. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(3), 56-62.