Characterization in environmental culture of banana plantations in the province of El Oro




Environment, humanity, banana plants, pollution


The objective of this investigation is to characterize the environmental problems in the banana plantations of the Province of El Oro. The setting where the investigation was carried out is in the banana plantations of the Province of El Oro, classified as organic and conventional. Theoretical methods such as synthetic analytic and deductive inductive and empirical structured interview and survey have been used. The fundamental results are in the homogeneity that exists between the ages of the workers by sex, as well the similarities in the dimension associated with educational knowledge of the environment and the differences in those that belong to the dimension of harmful effects to the health. In conventional banana plants, plastic waste, in a high percent, is thrown in the garbage dumps. It can be concluded that the banana plantations of the Province of El Oro have been characterized in relation to the environmentalist culture that they possess, taking into account the classification made of them.


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How to Cite

Chica Guerrero, M. B., López Fernández, R. ., Medina Peña, R. ., & González Romero, J. C. . (2020). Characterization in environmental culture of banana plantations in the province of El Oro. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(2), 216-224.