Efficiency of the temporary immersion system versus the conventional in vitro propagation method
Temporary immersion, vitroplants, efficiencyAbstract
The work was carried out with the aim of assessing the efficiency of the methods of mass propagation of vitroplants through results obtained in the Conventional Method and the Temporary Immersion System (SIT) and achieve increases in the multiplication coefficient, in addition to characterizing both methods of in vitro micropropagation by describing them. Considering that conventional propagation methods would be slow to produce and of high production costs. This technique allows for proper planning, from the stage of establishment of aseptic culture in the laboratory, to the establishment and production of the crop in the field. However, in temporary immersion crops, the constitution and physiological proceeding of outbreaks are very similar to those shown in ex vitro environments, due to the evolution of the system environment. Several authors, including Cruzat, (2009), states that the use of THE SIT reduces production costs per plant; this as a result of the mechanization of some stages of micropropagation and Winkelman, et al, (2006), commenting as in bioreactors, obtaining seedlings allows the reduction of production costs by between 50 and 60 %. Results that corroborate the efficiency of the temporary immersion system against the conventional in vitro propagation method.
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