Influence of educability in technical secondary school students in Hidalgo, Mexico in the creation of their life project




Teenagers, adolescence, life projec, economy, family, school


The article presents the findings of the investigation “Influence of the conditions of educability in the adolescent students of the Technical High School of Hidalgo, Mexico in the creation of their life project”. It describes the methodological and contextual framework of the research, as well as the economic, family and educational conditions experienced by adolescents. It was developed from a qualitative approach, through interpretive research with an ethnographic, phenomenological and hermeneutical orientation. The techniques for field work were participant observation, in-depth interview, life stories and the field diary. In the analysis process, the tools of the Atlas program were used. You. to encode and categorize the information that would make it easier to understand the influence that economic, family and educational conditions have on adolescents when creating their life project having as main premise that man, despite social determinism, has the freedom to choose what he wants for himself and to act in that sense.


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How to Cite

Tenorio Maya, S. ., & Montoya Flores, J. F. . (2020). Influence of educability in technical secondary school students in Hidalgo, Mexico in the creation of their life project. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(2), 138-147.