Situational analysis of livestock activity in the parish of Palmales in the Canton of Arenillas




Cattle raising, rural, production, security, food, development


The objective of this research was to carry out a situational analysis of livestock activity in five sites in the parish of Palmales in the canton of Arenillas (Ecuador), with the purpose of contributing to generate strategies to improve productivity on the livestock farms of each producer and in the same way that they can benefit from all programs or advice from government entities that are an important factor for financial development and growth. Farms dedicated to specialized dual-purpose livestock production with record management, production systems, level of training, and formal livestock sales were characterized. An empirical methodology was followed, using the descriptive method in the field and the logical deductive method in the office, where the location of the research was located with its due coordinates and limitations. The questionnaire consisted of twelve questions such as the age of farmers, level of education, location of the herd, management, number of animals, marketing and financing problems, among others. In the results found 86% of the cattle ranchers have incomes below the unified basic salary, the cattle activity that 95% practice has an extensive production system, it is concluded that the cattle situation of the cattle producers have small farms dedicated to the extensive exploitation, where 57.1% have a number of animals included between (10 and 30) heads of specialized cattle for the double purpose production that are in the category of small producers.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo Cumbicos, M. R. ., Vargas González, O. N. ., & Vite Cevallos, H. A. . (2020). Situational analysis of livestock activity in the parish of Palmales in the Canton of Arenillas. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(2), 124-130.