Diagnosis of the cocoa production-consumption circuit in the Progreso Parish, El Oro province
Marketing, economics of agriculture, value chainAbstract
Cocoa is one of the most important agricultural products worldwide, is a commodity associated with Republican of Ecuador, thanks to its production and marketing pillars of the economy were built between 1880 and 1915, based on these considerations was raised as an objective to characterize the circuit of production of cocoa in the parish of Progreso, Pasaje canton, province of El Oro, the research was conducted between the months of September to December 2019. The methodology used was a descriptive type for which a survey was conducted among cocoa producers, the sample was 127 producers, among the most relevant results is that producers in the parish of Progreso have achieved harvests of more than 2100 kilograms per year, 53% of producers surveyed have a hectare from 0 to 5 on their farms and 23% from 6 to 10, 70% of producers sell more than 8000 kilograms per year. More than 50% of the producers surveyed mentioned that they have increased their income which allows them to continue exploiting their cocoa plantations.
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