Distance education: a methodological strategy at the higher level





Distance Education, virtual university, academic community, educational networks


The article analyzes Distance Education as part of a complex educational system, and therefore, as any system; its interrelated and interdependent components. This implies that a change in one component of the system will affect the others, thus, if a means of communication is changed or added, it will affect the entire instructional design, the nature of the interaction and the learning possibilities offered by the educational context. In this sense, educational networks should be, then, spaces for multiple conversations mediated by various instruments such as school teaching, the media, electronic networks, and school organizations. The result of this construction of varied, multiple information, of utilitarian and cultural purposes, will have to be a self-conscious citizen, possessor of professional skills and habits of coexistence, worker and capable of creative leisure, respectfully related to others and its environment.


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How to Cite

de Sánchez, L. . (2020). Distance education: a methodological strategy at the higher level. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(2), 59-65. https://doi.org/10.62452/ftx19g18