Judicial conduct and prevarication in contexts of ecuadorian justice





Judicial, ethical, moral conduct, crime of the prevaricate


The purpose of this article is to present an explanatory overview of the judicial conduct and the Prevaricate in the justice of Ecuador, as well as to address the legal and judicial treatment that is exposed at the level of criminal law through the Organic Integral Criminal Code. It is about reflecting the importance of the judicial conduct of magistrates, judges and other public administration servers. In particular, it was about what represents ethics, values and moral norms that must be consubstantiated with the honesty of the judges and other members of the legal society of Ecuador. A brief historical account is made of what the crime of prevarication, its laws and punishments has represented for Ecuadorian justice as a result of the commission of this offense.


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How to Cite

García, B. A. . (2020). Judicial conduct and prevarication in contexts of ecuadorian justice. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(2), 28-36. https://doi.org/10.62452/mnwj4g41