The migration problem, a global phenomenon




Migrations, illicit trafficking of persons, migratory phenomenon, causes of migration


The migratory phenomenon has been those that the media have manipulated many times for partial purposes. A set of valuation prejudices derived from the lack of objectivity and dominance about its origin, causes and consequences concur, when the truth is that this is a complex, multi-causal issue and derived from economic, political, environmental situations or cultural from which positive and negative aspects have been derived. A space for reflection is presented that aims to encourage the need to study the subject and modify the projections of migration analysis as an absolutely harmful phenomenon to move them towards a thought more in line with the reality of a world in which humans are carriers of diverse motivations to emigrate and as people should be treated in conditions of equality and respect, regardless of their place of origin.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Águila, M. R. ., & Castellanos Fuentes, P. E. . (2020). The migration problem, a global phenomenon. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(1), 169-176.