Assessment of extemporaneous and accelerated learning, health of university professors and institutional help




Aequested learning, extemporaneous apprenticeships, accelerated learning, solo learning, institutional help


Among the various reasons that motivate the learning of the human being, the aspiration to better existential conditions occupies a preponderant place, in this sense the learning in the workplace deserves a very special attention, since, such learning does not always occur according to an election, most of the time what is learned is determined by a labor requirement. The appropriation of knowledge that takes place at ages in which the subject is not prepared to do so, or when the optimal time has elapsed for it, is defined as extemporaneous learning, as a consequence, such learning can constitute mental health challenges. Such a situation tends to become more acute when the demands of learning are established in shorter units of time and, therefore, unacceptable to those who learn, in this way, the acceleration imposed is also perceived as dangerous to health. The present work reveals the level of evaluation granted by university professors to the extemporaneous and the acceleration of learning in their health, as well as the level of institutional assistance received to face such challenges. The study was conducted at the University of Cienfuegos, Cuba and at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador between 2015 and 2019. A quasi-participant methodology was followed with gradual integration of the results and the sample was intentionally determined with distinction of sexes and age ranges.


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How to Cite

Requeiro Almeida, R. ., & Bofill Placeres, A. . (2020). Assessment of extemporaneous and accelerated learning, health of university professors and institutional help. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 3(1), 110-119.