Diagnosis of the incidence of enzootic Hematuria Bovina of bovinos in production of three winning areas
Hematuria, Pteridium, Chilla, height, livestock areasAbstract
Enzootic bovine hematuria (HEB) is a disease caused by exposure to, and consumption of pastures invaded by common fern (Pteridium aquilinum), also known as llashipa. The objective of the research was to identify the cattle areas of Cantón Chilla, establishing a relationship between their location and the incidence of enzootic bovine hematuria. Three zones were studied, each with four sectors, which were grouped according to their height - Zone A (300 - 999 masl), Zone B (1000 - 1999 masl) and Zone C (2000 - 3300 masl). The presence of llashipa in the surveyed areas corresponds to: 20% in Zone A, 60% in Zone B, and 50% in Zone C; data corresponding to recurrent invasive weeds in pastures. The urinary test strip techniques (TRU) and microscopic analysis of the urinary sediment (AMSU) were applied for the analysis of the samples. The results found were 36.1% (130/360) for AMSU and 5.28% (19/360) for TRU; whereupon the two methods demonstrate the existence of this disease in the canton of Chilla. Regarding the relation of the cellular elements variables (AMSU and TRU) and livestock areas (A, B and C), by means of the Chi square statistic test, it shows that the significance value p is less than 0.005, which indicates that there is a connection between the variables. It is concluded that the sectors grouped in the different livestock areas of Canton Chilla are endemic to enzootic bovine hematuria according to the height at which they are located.
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