The teacher's training in the integral tpack model: biological chemical career case




Teacher Training, Integral Model, TPAC, Teaching Learning


Teaching in particular presents significant challenges at all educational levels, especially at the university level. It is amazing the absence of a technological, pedagogical and content model when imparting scientific knowledge within the classroom and aims to facilitate the understanding of life itself, do not always get it. In this article, we analyze from the dimensions of the TPACK model the teaching practice in the integrative professorship subject in the Bachelor of Science in Education, Chemical - Biological specialization. The construction of Didactic Content Knowledge in experienced teachers and beginners because in teaching and learning not all problems are focused on students, teachers have an important part of the responsibility for educational success or failure. The knowledge that they possess about the contents taught, the didactic deficiencies, the teaching models adopted, in addition to the conditions for the development of their profession, the almost exclusive use of little new resources and consequently classes in many monotonous cases, are some of the causes that converge towards a praxis little in accordance with the curricular and social demands of the current world. The methodology used has a qualitative approach, supported by documentary research, techniques and checklist. Finally, teachers at a higher level must integrate a technological, pedagogical structural model accompanied by the expertise of programmatic content.


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How to Cite

Morán Peña, F. L. ., Granados Romero, J. F. ., & Espinosa Izquierdo, J. G. . (2019). The teacher’s training in the integral tpack model: biological chemical career case. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(3), 129-133.