Gender equality and human development. Special reference to the republic of Ecuador




Human Development, gender equality, gender inequality, whole protection of women


Human development is a process directly linked to the continuous improvement of people's living conditions, so that they can meet their basic needs, through access to the goods and services necessary for that purpose, and consequently develop in an environment in which their human rights are guaranteed and respected.

From that point of view, human development is directly linked to the options that society offers to each individual, so that he can develop fully. There are several indexes and indicators of human development, essential in guaranteeing human rights, and increasing the quality of life of people, but in recent years particular attention has been paid to the index of gender inequality, problematic not resolved in the world, and particularly in the Republic of Ecuador, in that sense, at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador, projects are developed that are included in the Program for the prevention and protection of women victims of gender violence, of the same In the same way, a doctoral thesis is elaborated on the application of the constitutional principles of human rights in a whole protection of women in the Republic of Ecuador, precisely this article is the result of this investigative work. Of indisputable topicality and importance.


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How to Cite

Zambrano Noles, S. ., Cabanes Espino, I. ., Salinas Pacheco, J. D. ., Goyas Céspedes, L. ., & Goyas Céspedes, L. . (2019). Gender equality and human development. Special reference to the republic of Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(3), 120-128.