Socio-economical context in the development of the consumer marketing


  • Ana Lilia Castillo Coto Convenio Universidad de Cienfuegos-Universidad Metropolitana. Ecuador. Autor/a
  • Norma Graciela Soria León Universidad Metropolitana. Ecuador. Autor/a



Customer, consumer, shopping, market


The research of consumer behavior are applied with three main purposes: for market research, based on surveys of all kinds; for the strategic determination of the demand for a particular product, based on correlation analysis; and for the tactical-operative planning of the stocks needed to satisfy a specific market, based on statistic methods. With the emergence of market research and post-war economics, there was an explosion of births, an explosion of new technological applications, an excessive global economic boom. Besides, a revolution in quantitative techniques applied to business administration occurred, given the need to know the increase in the market to give a response wise. This paper summarizes the characteristics of the social-economic environment that condition the different stages of marketing from the behavior of consumers.


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How to Cite

Castillo Coto, A. L., & Soria León, N. G. . (2018). Socio-economical context in the development of the consumer marketing. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(1), 74-81.