Business processes in business management




Business processes, modeling of business processes, process management


Over time, companies have organized themselves in different ways to develop the economy. During the industrial era they organized themselves as a collection of tasks that, according to the knowledge of the time, allowed economies of scale. At the end of the 20th century, new organizational structures emerged, such as the product line and the matrix. More recently, these architectures have evolved in a way that aligns people, work and capital with the processes that create value for the client. Business process management is a business methodology whose objective is to improve efficiency through the systematic management of processes, which must be modeled, automated, integrated, monitored and optimized continuously. This specialized essay deals with this topic and is developed in six sections. In the first, the generalities, history and evolution of process management are presented; the second and third deal with the process management approach and the life cycle phases. The fourth section is dedicated to the business process modeling techniques; one of them, BPMN, is discussed in section five, concluding the essay with section six related to the modeling tools.


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How to Cite

Gómez Velázquez, K. ., Gálvez Lio, D. ., & Ferreira Lorenzo, G. L. . (2019). Business processes in business management. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(3), 99-111.