University inclusion and equity of access to digital resources
Student social networks, shared learning, university inclusion, digital inclusionAbstract
The article is a synthesis of theoretical contributions that precede empirical research, in which the links that exist between the formation of student social networks, common learning and how to get involved in university cooperation are analyzed, taking as a starting point the inequalities generated by the digital divide, existing among students of higher education and, according to the access to digital resources. The methodology followed in the work is of a non-experimental nature, supported by consultations of theoretical data sources, and its objective is to identify the empirical precursors on which a pedagogical strategy aimed at achieving digital inclusion based on equity will be based. that the institution provides. Digital inclusion is linked to the goal of improving cognitive potential and is oriented to allow greater professional development, given the limitations that students often face regarding the use of technology to successfully meet their learning objectives. The study took place at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador.
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