Use of alcoholic extract from tomillo (Thymus vulgaris), guayaba (Psidium guajava) and eucalyptus (Pucalyptus melliodora) plants against vibriosis in aquaculture




Alcohol, inhibition, extracts, shrimp, treatments, decrease, vibrios


Bacterial pathogens such as Vibrios are considered one of the main opportunistic microorganisms in shrimp farming, causing economic lossing for this reason different producers have used antibiotics incorrectly which causes resistance in bacteria. With this background, plant extracts become an alternative to inhibit bacterial growth. Is also help with animal health and environmental care in aquaculture. In this investigation the alcoholic 100 µl extracts of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Guayaba (Psidium guajava) and Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus melliodora) they were with Vibrio for 24 hours, allowed to incubate at 25°C and halo of inhibition was observed. In the water was use a concentration of 4mL / L for 24 hours and in the food 400 µl / gr for 10 days to see the decrease in the presence of vibrios. In both water and hepatopancreas, a decrease in Vibrio was observed using the three treatments. Conclusion, the alcoholic extracts of these three plants could be used as a prophylactic treatment against vibriosis in shrimp farming.


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How to Cite

Carbay Uyaguari, Y. A. ., & Sorroza Ochoa, L. . (2019). Use of alcoholic extract from tomillo (Thymus vulgaris), guayaba (Psidium guajava) and eucalyptus (Pucalyptus melliodora) plants against vibriosis in aquaculture. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(3), 48-55.