Ordoliberalismo, social market economy and perfect competition markets
Ordoliberal, Social market economy, Markets, Perfect competitionAbstract
The objective of the present study is to make a theoretical-philosophical analysis about the current of ordoliberal economic thought as an alternative to neoliberalism, and its transition to what is now known as a social market economy, addressing one of the constituent principles formulated by Eucken (1963), as are the open markets and the control of monopolistic forms, carrying out a mathematical argument based on the analysis of the market supply with respect to its scarcity and surplus components, as well as the producer and consumer surpluses in addition to the price of strangling supply and demand. Demonstrating how the morphology of markets that best fits the constituent principle mentioned above are the markets of perfect competition, for which it is necessary that the areas of scarcity and surplus be equal. In addition, the areas of producer and consumer surpluses must be equal before any change in the equilibrium point, product of the displacements of supply and demand curves.
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