Self-concept and academic performance of the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences




Self-concept, academic performance, students


The main purpose of this research was to assess the self-concept and the results of the academic performance of the students of one of the six educational programs of the Faculty. The two categories were compared in order to know their characteristics and to check if there were relationships between the different dimensions of self-concept and the academic results achieved by the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education and Sports, which was the first educational program to be studied. Theoretical level methods such as the historical-logical were used to determine the trajectories of the students within the educational program and the Faculty. Scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis were applied, which were used to evaluate the different categories or dimensions of self-concept and to establish their similarities and differences. The inductive-deductive method was used to conform several parts of the final research report and at the empirical level, the document analysis method was used to consult texts and documents. The survey technique was used to obtain the research data. We worked with the SPSS system for the statistics process. The results of the work favor the design and development of didactic strategies that link the results of the self-concept of each group with the ability to study in order to improve the students' grades in the subjects they will have to take in subsequent semesters. The contribution of research is strong because it allows for the improvement of the educational work carried out by teachers.


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How to Cite

Mato-Medina, O. E. ., Matos-Ceballos, J. J. ., Prieto-Noa, J. ., Hernández-Acal, F. R. ., & Yocupicio-Cámara, L. F. . (2023). Self-concept and academic performance of the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(Suplemento 2), 172-184.