Eating habits and hypertension in outpatients of a Hospital in Honduras
Healthy lifestyle, food and nutrition education, hypertension, primary preventionAbstract
Eating habits play an important role in the prevention and management of high blood pressure. The World Health Organization demonstrated that poor eating habits trigger arterial hypertension, which is a chronic increase in blood pressure with values equal to or greater than 140 millimeters of mercury (MmHg) systolic pressure and 90 mmHg. diastolic pressure. The general objective of this study was to identify the eating habits of patients with high blood pressure who attended the outpatient clinic at the Gabriela Alvarado Hospital in Danlí, Honduras, in the period January-March 2024. It was a descriptive, cross-sectional study; The study data was obtained through a structured questionnaire addressed to each of the participants. Among the results found, the eating habits of the 81 participating patients reflect that 86.4% eat 3 times a day, with lunch being the most substantial with 88.9%, in which they mainly consume more fruits and vegetables, 35.8% consume 4 to 6 glasses of water a day, have eating habits that include healthy aspects according to their health status.
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