Educational software based on neurodidactics for learning Natural Sciences in the fourth grade of Basic Education




Software, neurodidactic, natural sciences, learning


This research work seeks to promote new knowledge within the subject of natural sciences through neurodidactic software called VIMOVER, due to the low results of the student test applied by INEVAL and the difficulties presented in the classroom. The study aims to design educational software based on the principles of neurodidactics to improve the learning of Natural Sciences in fourth grade students of General Basic Education in an educational institution in the Biblián canton.   This quantitative, descriptive and field research used two instruments which were a pre-test and a post-test being the population of 213 students in which a sample of 55 fourth grade children were worked with. A technological resource was used, seeking to replace the traditional methodology with modern methods. Regarding the surveys applied to the students, a great interest was noted for the application of technology within their classes which kept them motivated. Theoretical foundations were investigated to develop educational software, which was successfully applied in an institution, improving learning in Natural Sciences and demonstrating the positive impact of ICT in education.


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How to Cite

Vicuña-Cabrera, A. J. ., Molina-Rocha, L. M. ., & Vergel-Parejo, E. E. . (2025). Educational software based on neurodidactics for learning Natural Sciences in the fourth grade of Basic Education. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 8(1), 76-89.